Level 5, 1 James Place
North Sydney, 2060
NSW, Australia
Nelson Mandela lead the radical and relatively peaceful transformation of South Africa. Over a ten-year period, the nation moved from the depths of the Apartheid era to an open, democratic, and multi-racial society. Failure would have certainly led to a long and bloody civil war – the odds were well and truly stacked against him.
Mandela’s success was nothing short of miraculous.
This enormously moving and inspiring keynote brings Mandela’s principles into our everyday lives. Richard compellingly distills the key elements of Mandela’s leadership style down to 5 factors, all of which can be used to great effect in our personal and professional lives.
The Mandela Project empowers everyone to be the best leader they can be, irrespective of role or rank. The secrets shared in this keynote will enable you to manufacture miracles in your own life.
Key Outcomes:
Richard will be donating 10% of his ‘Mandela Project’ fees to AfrikaTikkun – a remarkable charity that empowers, educates and supports the youth in townships surrounding Johannesburg and Cape Town. It was one of only 5 organizations that Mandela was still willing to link himself with at the time of his death.
Available as a one hour keynote through to a half day workshop
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